Practices for sale

We found 121 practices in all categories.
Under Offer

Coastal Midwest WA Accounting Firm for Sale

Achieve work / life balance in this beautiful regional center, or benefit from an established presence in a secondary location, or bolt on these fees to your existing firm.This long established firm services clients predominately in the Midwest, but also WAs Northwest and Perth and has maintainable fees of around $900K. It provides GP type services including tax, accounting, BAS, bookkeeping, corporate secretarial and SMSF audits, albeit the vendor may wish to retain the audits.

Under Offer

Brisbane Northern Suburbs $850,000 in Fees

Established accounting practice in an attractive location. This practice has stable fees and a good quality diverse base of loyal small business clients who provide ongoing referrals. There is limited concentration risk and few simple I-returns. The Principal is committed to a smooth transition and is supported by a capable team. There is scope for further growth including through increased fees and boosting the productivity of newer staff following the investment in their training.

Victoria - Central Region $230K

Opportunity to have a rural lifestyle in this attractive small town only 90mins from Melbourne and with good access to the ski fields. The town is expanding with new housing estates to cope with the influx of people relocating to the regional areas. The clients are a mix of primary producers, businesses and individuals.


Pharmacy Valuation Service

Are you looking to buy or sell a pharmacy? Then make sure you consider the value of your business.

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