As the leading and independent website advertising professional practices for sale, is dedicated to helping you attract more potential buyers ... and getting you top dollar for your practice. And, by allowing you to keep your identity and location private, you can advertise with less risk of staff or competitors finding out about your plans, or your financial or operational details.
We provide a website service, so that you can advertise a professional practice for sale.
We are not brokers, so we do not manage the sale process for you, nor do we charge any suceess fee. Our aim is simple, to provide a platform for your business sale for a one off fee of $100 (inc GST).
The website, and listing on it, is available to anyone - practitioners, accountants, solicitors, bankers, real estate agents and business brokers. We have achieved tremendous success in Accounting Practices for Sale and Pharmacies for Sale.
If you are considering selling a professional practice, consider advertising on Practice4Sale.
Do you need further assistance?
If you require further assistance, or would like to discuss what's required to sell your business, Contact Us.
Small established practice with mix of individuals, partnerships, companies & some SMSF (no advice). Principal plus 3 part-time & casual employees. Fees LY $249k.