With thousands of registered users, Practice4Sale has a large number of professional practitioners actively seeking to buy pharmacies, accounting practices and financial planning practices. If you are interested in selling your business; or interested in determining interest in your business, contact us today to find out more about listing your business on Practice4Sale. With a steady stream of registered buyers, we are constantly on the lookout for professional businesses for sale.
Despite the end of one of the worst financial years of recent times, the outlook for Australia looks positive. Recent reports indicate that consumer confidence is gaining and that we are likely to avoid recession.
Here at Practice4Sale, we have noted that demand for professional businesses has remained high. There is still a steady stream of willing and buyers with capacity to purchase businesses.
List your business for sale on Practice4Sale for $100 (inc GST). All advertisements are listed until the business is sold or until advised by the lister. Join Australia's largest market-place for professional practice sales.
Do you need further assistance?
If you require further assistance, or would like to discuss what's required to sell your business, Contact Us.
Small established practice with mix of individuals, partnerships, companies & some SMSF (no advice). Principal plus 3 part-time & casual employees. Fees LY $249k.