A number of Practice4Sale users have loaded Practice Wanted advertisements onto the website over the past month. A new Accounting Practice Wanted and a new Pharmacy Practice wanted are two of the latest additions to the site. For more information, visit the Practice Wanted section of the website.
A number of Practice4Sale users have loaded Practice Wanted advertisements onto the website over the past month. A new Accounting Practice Wanted and a new Pharmacy Practice wanted are two of the latest additions to the site.
The Accounting Practice Wanted reads: "Practice Fees wanted - Sydney/Hills/Penrith inclusive" and has the following abstract:
"Looking for fee parcels mainly of Business clients and investors. Please contact me with anything you have."
The Pharmacy Practice Wanted reads: "Pharmacy practice under $2mill turnover" and has the following abstract:
"I am currently looking for a smaller community based pharmacy business which is alot closer to my home base on the mornington peninsula. I would also consider a partnership as I'am still relatively young and have alot of energy and experience in all aspects of pharmacy ownership and management. My ideal business would be community based with only a couple of full time staff other than myself which only trades 5.5 day per week."
The Practice Wanted service is a free service designed to assist potential buyers in advertising what tyep of practice they are looking to buy. It has been launched to help potential business owners looking for a business in advertising their wants and desires for a particular business in a secure and private fashion. And best of all, it's FREE!
Practice4Sale will assist business seekers and business owners by becoming the intermediate. Through our experience we can help negotiate between both parties for the best possible outcome.
Practice4sale is an industry specific listing service for people who want to sell their business. The site enables brokers or business owners to advertise their business for sale, whilst protecting their identity, and the exact location and financial details of the business. Interested buyers, who are registered users can view what is on the market, and request further information on listings of interest. Being an independent site, any broker, accountant, advisor, or business owner can advertise a business for sale, and the site attracts it's audience by marketing direct to the professional community. The database of registered users has grown to over 7,000 and the level of activity on the site clearly indicates that it's a 'sellers market'.
Now that the 2012 year is well and truly upon us, (with most businesses back in the swing of things today), ensure that your business is adequately resourced to handle the challenges ahead. In a professional practice, a main component of your business is its staff. With a large subscription base of professional practitioners, consider advertising your professional jobs on Jobs4Careers. Find our more on Jobs4Careers.com.au today.
New practices for sale have been added to Practice4Sale. In addition, a number of Practices Wanted have been added to Practice4Sale as well. The new listings include: "QLD - Three pharmacies for sale in Major Regional Shopping Centre"; Wanted: "Practice Fees wanted - Sydney/Hills/Penrith inclusive"; and Wanted: "Wages & Salaries fee parcels". For more information, visit www.practice4sale.com.au