is the first site of its kind to utilise "Job Mapping" technology, which enables job seekers to view relevant opportunities plotted on a map detailing approximate travel distances from their home. Google Maps provides viewing options including standard map, satelite imagery, or a hybrid combination of both. The mapping is limited in accuracy depending on the information provided, and enhancements to the existing capabilities will be rolled out in stages. has a fresh clean uncluttered look, and has been designed with the job seekers needs in mind. Identifying potential employment opportunities is made easier and more accurate by clicking on various criteria which customises a list of jobs depending on the criteria chosen. The list can be further customised at any time by utilising additional criteria in a menu to the side. This step by step process enables job seekers to search a broad range of options and opportunities from viewing all job opportunities in a chosen state, to viewing part time sales assistant roles in a chosen suburb.
Once an opportunity is identified an enquiry or application can be sent to the advertiser along with an attachment such as a resume.
I encourage you to take a look at and welcome any feedback you may have.
If you have any feedback, comments on the site, or would like to know how you can advertise staffing needs please contact us.