The following Practice Wanted Advertisements are new on Practice4Sale. View these listings at These are listings created by practitioners that describe the type of practice they are looking to buy.
Business Services and Tax Practice (NSW)
Accounting Fees / Parcel of Clients (Vic)
About Practice Wanted Advertisements
Are you looking for a business? Then now you can place your own advertisement ... an advertisement for your desire to a business owner!
Practice4Sale's "Practice Wanted" System has been launched to help potential business owners looking for a business in advertising their wants and desires for a particular business in a secure and private fashion. And best of all, it's FREE!
Practice4Sale will assist business seekers and business owners by becoming the intermediate. Through our experience we can help negotiate between both parties for the best possible outcome.
Do you need further assistance?
If you require further assistance, or would like to discuss what's required to sell your business, Contact Us.
Would you spend $100 to gain $10,000? What about if that $100 meant $100,000 to you? The two biggest transactions people make are selling their home, and selling their business. In both cases you want to make sure that as many interested buyers as possible are aware of the opportunity. The more intersted buyers, the better the chances of not only selling, but selling at the best possible price.
Small established practice with mix of individuals, partnerships, companies & some SMSF (no advice). Principal plus 3 part-time & casual employees. Fees LY $249k.